How To Clean Your Ears Without Using Q Tips
Throw out your cotton buds and embrace a life free of earwax covered sticks, as your favourite ear-cleaning pals have been banned to cut plastic pollution.
If you hadn't noticed, cotton buds are made of plastic. They're little plastic sticks topped and bottomed with cotton.
They're small, so may seem insignificant, but are actually one of the most serious sources of marine pollution because so many of us flush them down the toilet instead of throwing them away.
They're small enough to be eaten by birds and sea life, too, so they're pretty harmful.
We rely on them, because we want our ears to feel unclogged and free of wax. The satisfaction of popping a white bud in your ear and seeing all the waxy debris it yanks out is tough to beat.
Also, they're handy for cleaning up eyeliner mishaps.
But here's the thing: They're awful for the environment and are now banned in England, so it's probably a good time to learn how to live our lives without them.
To start, let's look at how to clean your ears without cotton buds – a good idea considering medical experts don't actually recommend using cotton buds to clean your ears in the first place. Cotton buds aren't any good for cleaning out your ears – all they do is push wax in further.
You don't actually need to remove earwax
That's an important thing to note.
Earwax is not a bad, gross thing. It serves an important purpose, trapping dirt and dust to prevent nasty stuff from traveling further into the ear. It's self-cleaning, too, with standard skin regeneration, as well as jaw motion, pushing old wax out of the ear canal so it'll just fall away without you noticing.
Having wax in your ears is no cause for alarm, and you really only need to remove it if it's built up and blocking your ear.
If that's the situation, read on. If you're trying to get rid of earwax for purely cosmetic reasons, stop it.
Visit your doctor
Crucial if your earwax is blocking your ears, a visit to a doctor will reveal the extent of the issue and if you actually have anything to worry about. They will then be able to recommend solutions and check for any other issues.
Olive oil
Okay, on to the home remedies.
For blocked ears, simple drop two or three drops of olive oil into your ear twice a day for a few days.
This will loosen your earwax and help it ease itself out. Just don't panic when you see lumps of earwax on your pillow – it'll fall out really easily when you're lying down.
Earwax softener
This is pretty much the same technique as olive oil, but you can buy a special earwax softening solution from most pharmacies.
Again, you'll apply a few drops in your ears and notice earwax fall out over the course of a few days.
Use a warm, damp cloth
This is for the outer parts of your ear, which you absolutely should be cleaning.
Put your finger in a warm, damp cloth and run it around the curves of your ear without trying to poke around inside. You'll still get the satisfaction of spotting all the dirt you've removed, but without risking damage to your ear canal. Hooray.
This is the best choice if you're trying to remove earwax for purely cosmetic reasons. The outer bits of the ear are all other people can see, so those are the only bits that need cleaning.
Don't use a syringe, a candle, a small poking tool, tweezers, or anything else you're pondering
The syringe irrigation technique was a popular at-home method for a while, but doctors now generally recommend against it. It poses way too many risks and is best done by a professional.
Ear candles are trendy, but there's no reliable evidence that they actually remove wax. There are cases, however, where they've caused damage to the ear. We also have serious worries about hot candle wax and fire risks.
Tweezers, needles, and any other small, pointy thing you have lying aroundshould not go in the ear. Itwillgo wrong. Youwillcause damage. Youwillregret it. Don't do it.
MORE : Should we be wearing gloves when we're out and about?
MORE : Why are cotton buds, plastic straws and stirrers being banned in England and what will replace them?
MORE : Cotton bud ban: Alternatives to plastic cotton buds
How To Clean Your Ears Without Using Q Tips
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